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In 1942, the late Pastor C. W. Wynn organized the Robin Springs Baptist Church originally located in a house on Plummers Lane. Led by Pastor Wynn, Robin Springs Baptist Church erected its first building in 1947.  The church was located at 1076 Gilmers Street; and there they adopted the name of Glorious Hope Baptist Church.

The original church members consisted of the following: Sis. Blanche Wynn, Sis. Riley, Sis. Isabelle Holloway-Boyd, Sis. Vergie Bell Calhoun and Sis. Holloman (all deceased). Pastor Wynn continued his pastoral duties until his death in 1965. Following Pastor Wynn’s death, Pastor John W. Durden, leader of Southside Baptist Church, was appointed Glorious Hope’s pastor.


In 1971, Glorious Hope and Southside Baptist merged under the leadership of Pastor John W. Durden. Following the merger, additional property was purchased, and the sanctuary was renovated. Pastor Durden took upon himself the responsibility of building a new church and encouraged his followers to work towards that goal. After searching for a building site, the church decided upon 1159 Scotland Avenue. Although the first attempt to purchase the property was unsuccessful, in February of 1993, God made it possible for Glorious Hope to purchase the property. The groundbreaking ceremony was held October 9, 1994 and the foundation was laid on January 11, 1995. The dedication services were held on February 11, 1996 and the church entered the new facility permanently the following month.

Soon after, Pastor Durden, became terminally ill and ultimately died in 1996.


Rev. Wallace B. Herring, Sr. was then invited to lead Glorious Hope permanently. He graciously accepted and became our pastor on March 2, 1997. Following the vision given to him by God, Pastor Herring was responsible for reorganizing and establishing several ministries including The Brotherhood and Sisterhood ministries. The mortgage for the church was paid in full at 1159 Scotland Avenue; and in 2008, Pastor Herring led Glorious Hope to purchase her present edifice located at 3805 Napier Avenue. Once at the current location, the church became incorporated and Pastor Herring developed a dynamic afterschool and summer program.


Many members joined under Pastor Herring’s tenure including the following ministers: Rev. Jake Faison (ordained by Pastor Herring), Rev. Johnny Fryer (ordained by Pastor Herring), and Rev. Charlie Huff. Additionally, Pastor Herring’s sons Moses B. Herring, Sr. and John H. Herring were called into the ministry and were ordained by their father to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.


In 2010, Pastor Wallace B. Herring, Sr. announced plans to retire from the daily operations as pastor of Glorious Hope. He shared with Glorious, the vision given to him by God that his son, Minister John H. Herring would be the next pastor of Glorious Hope.


The church unanimously elected Minister John Herring; and on March 18, 2012, Pastor John H. Herring became the fourth and youngest pastor of Glorious Hope Baptist Church. Under his leadership, the church has experienced exponential growth. Pastor John’s vision included Excellence in Kingdom Work, the creation of “The Men of Standards”, and "REAL Sisters" Ministries, and the reorganization of several others. Pastor John also entered into a partnership with Men About Change, a non-profit designed to educate and equip boys to have the tools necessary to become productive and godly men. Next he began to focus on becoming debt-free.


Then on Sunday, September 24, 2023 Glorious Hope celebrated paying off its 30 year mortgage in just 15 years. To God Be The Glory!


God has truly blessed Glorious Hope and we look forward to greater things in Christ under Pastor John’s ministry.

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An All-Male Education and Character Building

Program mentoring boys from 1 - 8th grade.


Pastor John is dedicated to the great commission where Jesus said, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations." Glorious seeks to raise a nation of spiritual, productive and socially responsible young men. Through his vision to make a positive difference in our community, Pastor John and Glorious have partnered with and provides financial support to Men About Change, a non-profit all male education and character building program.


Under the direction and leadership of Dr. Ervin Clowers, Men About Change has provided academic support, cultural enrichment, behavior modification, and lovingkindness to over 100 boys in its first year.


Housed on the campus of Glorious Hope, Dr. Clowers and his principle administrative assistant, Ouida Sanders, have poured their finances, hearts, and souls into this endeavor.


Men About Change is under the authority of a 'hands-on', culturally and professionally diverse group of community leaders and business professionals who serve on its board.


To make your tax deductible donation, or get more information on how you can help, please contact Men About Change at (478) 305-7552. Check us out on FB! 







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